How to find the IPsec logs


This article discusses the IPsec logs and their location in Datto Secure Edge.


  • Datto Secure Edge


Where are the IPsec logs?

1. From the Datto Partner Portal, select Status→ Networking Status.

Figure 1: Datto Partner Portal

2. Select the network from the available list.

Figure 2: Networking Status

3. Select Secure Edge→ Service Settings from the options under Manage.

Figure 3: Secure Edge

4. Select Corporate Tunnel.

Figure 4: Corporate Tunnel

5. Click More Info to view the IPsec Tunnel Status modal.

IPsec Tunnel Status options

In the IPsec Tunnel Status modal you have the options to Reset Connection and View IPsec Logs.

Figure 5: Reset connection & view IPsec log options

If resetting the connection does not resolve any issues you may be having, the Secure Edge IPsec Log can be used for more in depth troubleshooting information.

Figure 6: Secure Edge IPsec logs